Sunday, July 6, 2008

Darrell Waltrip helps Iraq War Veteran

NASCAR champion and Honda Volvo dealer Darrell Waltrip helps Iraq war veteran who was victimized by an Internet scam. Darrell Waltrip stepped in and gave him a 2004 Honda Accord on Tuesday 07/02/08.

Jay Strobino, 24 of Franklin, who lost $5,500 trying to buy a used Honda Accord on Craigslist earlier this year, wired the money to a scam artist who claimed to be heading out soon for military deployment, setting up a fake WorldPay Web site to handle the purchase.

Once Darrel Waltrip heard of this scam from the general manager, John Gallagher, they decided to give him an Accord. Jay took delivery of the 2004 Accord Tuesday “It’s beyond awesome,”

“There are so many fake sites you really have to be sure. We’re in the car business, and he got ripped off by someone pretending to be real.” Darrell said he was also motivated by Strobino’s military service. Jay was shot thirteen times in a firefight south of Bagdad in 2004, is a Silver Star medal recipient, the 3rd highest ranking military honor.

“I thought that’s a no-brainer – let’s help the kid out,” Waltrip said after handing the keys at Darrell Waltrip Honda Volvo Tuesday.